Am I Trans Enough

In the not so distant past, Transgender people were low-key, hidden; a misunderstood sector of a minority which general society knew little about.

Many people were seriously confused, believing being Transgender was a sexual or lifestyle preference when it is simply all about gender!

Follow the true story of Cathy, a Transgender person who grew up in the dark, dismal days pre-internet and pre-gradual understanding that Transgender people do NOT have a choice in their gender presentation. A time when to admit that you were actually living in the wrong gender was almost considered criminal!

Read about her progression, share her highs and lows; the restrictions she encounters until and gradual realisation that she is indeed a female on the inside—and find out what she does about it.

See how Cathy finally reaches a point of acceptance of herself, only to discover that there are so many shades of people even with the Transgender community itself that she has to stop and ask: Am I Trans Enough?