Overcome addictions

Are you addicted to Alcoholism or Gambling or both?

Do you want to overcome these bad habits?

If you are looking for the answers to these questions, then keep reading!...

Many people question whether drinking or Gambling has become a too big part of their lives, and worry that it is affecting their health and wealth. These people resist change because they fear to lose the pleasure and stress-relief associated with alcohol, and assume giving it up will involve deprivation and misery.

Alcoholism and Gambling have harmful effects on mental and physical health, along with financial implications. This book offers an insight into the psychology of alcoholists and gamblers as it presents ways to identify, diagnose, and act effectively with treatment therapies to help individuals and their families in countering this addictive behavior.

In this book, you will learn:

·        What is Alcoholism

·        Causes and Effects of Alcoholism

·        How to Overcome Alcoholism

·        How to Stay Sober

·        How to enjoy a Sober life

·        What is Gambling

·        Causes and Effects of Gambling

·        Myths associated with Gambling

·        How family can assist a gambler in stopping Gambling

·        Learn to live a Gambling Free life

Besides, this book also broadly explains self-management treatment plans, which are of extreme importance for those suffering from alcoholism and also for gamblers who lack the care and assistance of loved ones, a very critical issue in devising a pragmatic approach to deal with this addictive and detrimental behavior.

So hurry and grab a copy now by clicking the Buy Now button!