A Book of Physics – In Perspective

About the Book:

It is necessary that a subject like physics is studied, learnt and taught with full comprehension of the various topics of the subject, understanding their numerous facets not only humans but also plants and functions of even bodies all around. This may require not only studying just “theoretical: aspect of physics, but learning these in practice by, for example, conducting relevant experiments where possible.

When viewed in this respect, most physics books at school level, including the ones published as “text books”, fail to do full justice to the requirements of learning and teaching physics in class rooms. Many a books are obtained to ‘cover’ the prescribed syllabus under any of the well known streams such as ICSE, CBSE, SSC etc. with too cluttered contents and a horde of solved examples and exercises numbering into dozens at the end of a given chapter which make the students pore over for hours at end with the sole purpose of doing well in the board exams, obtaining marks in nineties, without fully mastering the topics.

 The present book whilst doing away with many drawbacks as above, has been written by describing all relevant topics of physics at high-school and board level in perspective, relating the topics to their importance in daily life, whilst conforming to various syllabi on physics and enlarging the scope where necessary. The book is structured especially for those students and teachers who have innovative mindset and who would really like to learn physics conceptually, not just to pass board exams with good ‘grades’.

The book is enriched with a good number of solved numerical problems with clear step-by-step solution of each and numerous exercises at the end chapter, most question having been derived from the ICSE board exams over the past ten years or so.


1.    Force, Work, Power and Energy

2.    Light

3.    Sound

4.    Electricity and Magnetism

5.    Heat

6. Modern Physics