When we marry, we always hope it is forever. However, for many of us, this is not the case.
So, what if you find yourself in a marriage that is not your destiny? What happens next? Often, you are left wondering who you are, questioning where you are going and what the future has in store for you. Yet you know in your heart, you must move on.
In 2021, Lisa Brearley found herself in this position, and her marriage of 26 years came to an end. With a strong desire to start living her life on her terms, she embarked on a journey of personal discovery and self-love that would completely transform her world. In her must-read memoir A Year of Love: Taking Risks Big and Small, Finding My Soulmate to Win It All she recounts the joys, challenges and adventure she experienced throughout the 12 months that followed her decision to end her first marriage and choose a life of liberty.
After many years of devoting herself to her children and family, like many women, Lisa had lost a sense of who she truly was. A conversation with a friend sparked her interest in personal development, and after attending a 3-day course, she realized that it’s never too late to start making life changes that can expand and alter your future. With an open mind and a willingness to seek and embrace new experiences, Lisa started to live her life more fully, taking risks she would never have dreamed of before. She relished the opportunity to make decisions that would positively impact her life, and began to feel her emotions more deeply than she had ever imagined was possible.
Following her new-found path and embracing the power of risk taking led her to a week-long personal development retreat. It was here that, unexpectedly, destiny stepped in and changed the trajectory of her life once more, as she found her soul mate and fell in love.
Throughout this inspiring and deeply personal book, Lisa shares an honest account of a life transformed. As you follow her year-long journey of self-love and self-discovery, you too can discover your inner strength and rediscover your long-forgotten passions.
Lisa has written this book for those who deserve a change in their life. For those who know that love, care and respect are possible. That anything is possible when you have someone who believes in you and are willing to take a risk. From a place of feeling unworthy and stuck, where change seemed impossible, Lisa is now on a wonderfully fulfilling life journey that is full of adventure, happiness and positive relationships.
When you come to realize and accept that our time on this earth is limited, like Lisa, you can find the inner strength to choose a life of love and liberty. This inspiring book will give you the belief in yourself and motivation you need to take the first step in your own journey, where you uncover your true life purpose and destiny.