Attachment Volume 2 Number 2

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis is a leading-edge journal for clinicians working relationally with their clients. It is a professional journal, featuring cultural articles, politics, reviews and poetry relevant to attachment and relational issues; an inclusive journal welcoming contributions from clinicians of all orientations seeking to make a contribution to attachment approaches to clinical work; an international journal open to ideas and practices from all countries and cultures; and a cutting-edge journal with up-to-date briefings on latest developments in neuroscience relevant to psychotherapy and counselling.


- Routes to Relationality: An Attachment Theory Perspective by Kate White

- Emotional Recovery and Staying Well after Psychosis: An Attachment-based Conceptualization by Andrew Gumley, Matthias Schwannauer, Angus MacBeth, and John Read

- Genetics and Schizophrenia Part 2: Why Attachment Theory is a Better Theory and Why No One Wants It by Joseph Schwartz

- Guidelines to Diagnosis of Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Traumatic Stress by Ellen Lacter and Karl Lehman

- Postcards from Cuba 2007–2008 by Marge Oderberg

- ‘Killing Me Softly’: A Relational Understanding of Attachment to Pain by Sarah Benamer

- Attachment-based Therapy in Groups: Exploring a New Theoretical Paradigm with Professional Care-givers by Una McCluskey

- The Woodpecker: The Place of Trance and Hypnosis in Relational Psychotherapy by Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar