Pirate Princess

The island of secrets, and the lover’s cave broke velvet’s heart. that’s more, the spell she needed to save her brother required the life of the duke who haunted her waking moments and disturbed her dreams. unable to kill henry, velvet ran from the temptation of him to the waiting arms of napoleon, and the french throne which came at a heavy price.

On the high seas, velvet struggled with her desire to take back her father’s throne, and save her people from a tyrant, or find freedom for herself espionage betrayal, passion, and sacrifice teach velvet what matters on her dramatic quest to run from true love. but in the case of destiny, can one ever run fast enough?

Duke, assassin, pirate and betrayer, henry will do what he must to keep the girl he has come to adore even sacrifice his own life. difficult really when she insists on escaping his advances and spurning his ardent touch. with lines to cross, mayhem to cause and a thousand questions of magic which will never be answered, for the duke, there is only one question which truly matters—how do you get the girl who has no need of a knight, regardless of the shine in his armor.

Locked in eternal combat, and kisses fraught with secrets and lies, velvet and henry will learn the most painful of lessons—in a world of revolution, turmoil and political unrest, love is still the bloodiest battlefield of all.