The Book That Changed Everything for St. Louis-Marie de Montfort (and Could Change Everything for You Too)
This book is amazing! According to St. Louis.
He revealed...
"Predestinate soul, here is a secret the Most High has taught me, which I have not been able to find in any book, old or new. I confide it to you, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit" ("The Secret of Mary", #1).
And although he couldn't find this secret in any book, when he decided to teach it to others, he quoted this book more than any other.
Montfort Father Jean-Marie Texier pointed out...
"The Holy Slavery of the Admirable Mother of God" a rich repertoire from which Montfort drew extensively when he composed his "Treatise on the True Devotion".
Now here's a little-known fact you'll love.
In chapter 11 of the fourth Book of the Revelations of St. Bridget, the Blessed Mother told St. Bridget that the number of the blessed angelic spirits is so great, that if all men were counted from Adam to the last who will be born at the end of the world, ten glorious Angels at least might be assigned to each man.
The number of Angels is absolutely mind boggling!
And it gets even better.
God loved and honored Mary so much that, according to Bl. Pope Pius IX, He made her greater than all Angels and men combined at the very moment of her Immaculate Conception!
When he formally defined the Immaculate Conception, he wrote...
"Therefore, far above all the angels and all the saints so wondrously did God endow her with the abundance of all heavenly gifts poured from the treasury of His divinity that this mother, ever absolutely free of all stain of sin, all fair and perfect, would possess that fullness of holy innocence and sanctity than which, under God, one cannot even imagine anything greater, and which, outside of God, no mind can succeed in comprehending fully."
Which means that when God called Mary to the divine maternity and also made her your Mother, He gave her an immense wisdom and an unlimited power to fulfill her maternal duties toward you.
Mary wants for you all the good which you can and ought to receive in the plans of God, and she has the power to give it to you.
That's why the Church applies this passage to her...
"All good things came to me together with her" (Wis. 7:11).
And because Mary is His masterpiece, God revealed this devotion so you can love and honor her the same way He does.
That's why St. Louis asks...
"After so many and such pressing examples of the Most Holy Trinity, can we, without an extreme blindness, dispense ourselves from Mary, and not consecrate ourselves to her, and depend on her to go to God, and to sacrifice ourselves to God?" ("True Devotion to Mary", #140)
In other words, if you ignore or delay putting into practice loving and honoring Mary the same way God does...
How is God supposed to accept that?
Since He couldn't do for Mary anything more than what He did, how can He accept anyone not following His example and loving and honoring Mary in the best way possible?
God wants us "to be conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29).
And St. Louis emphasizes that this devotion to Mary...
" a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head. One of His members in passing by the same road cannot deceive himself" (True Devotion, #168).
If this devotion to Mary was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for you.
That's why St. Louis proclaimed...
"Oh, how highly we glorify God, when, after the example of Jesus, we submit ourselves to Mary!" (True Devotion, #139)
Are you against making a firm commitment right now to follow Jesus on this path?
Is it ridiculous to ask you to order this book now, so Mary can do all the good for you that she wants for you and can do for you?