The Spirit World

A lifelong pilgrim of the spirit, Philip Burley is a genuine and substantial spiritual teacher whose work offers profound insights on our relationship with God, spiritual awakening, and the nature of the spirit world.

Born with second sight, Philip is a gifted spiritual medium who has helped countless people in their search for an understanding of the spiritual world and those who dwell there. He is also the author of numerous books, including The Gift of Mediumship, The Wisdom of Saint Germain, A Legacy of Love Volume One: The Return to Mount Shasta and Beyond, To Master Self is to Master Life, and a recently published volume of poetry, The Hum of Heaven.

The Spirit World, Where Love Reigns Supreme, provides inspiration and insight into the existence of the spirit world and its relationship to you. It will give you a good idea of what you can expect upon arriving there. Consider it your pocket guide to the next world