Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie
Sämtliche Gedichtanalysen. Kommentierte deutsche Ausgabe. Band 1: Poetologische Schriften und Analysen zur Lyrik vom Mittelalter bis zur Aufklärung. Band 2: Analysen zur Lyrik von der Romantik bis zur Moderne
出版Walter de Gruyter, 2008-09-25
主題Literary Criticism / European / GeneralLiterary Criticism / GeneralLiterary Criticism / Semiotics & TheoryLanguage Arts & Disciplines / Linguistics / Historical & Comparative

Roman Jakobson’s ‘Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry’ (1981), that monumental work of his later years, together with its later additions, was and is a theoretical challenge both for General and Comparative Literature and for the study of individual literatures. However, the sovereign multilinguality of these linguistic analyses of poetry has not only resulted in their being received world-wide, but has also presented a seemingly insurmountable difficulty, as there is hardly a reader who is able to understand them all, let alone discuss them critically.

To remedy this situation – no more and no less – is the objective of this German edition of all of Jakobson’s structuralist analyses of poems and his most important poetological essays, which have been translated and commentated by specialists from the appropriate areas of literary studies.