There is no liberal media bias in the news stories we are fed. Just ask the media. They'll tell you. There is no left-wing mind-set creating the news reports we consume. Mainstream media does not treat conservatives unfairly. There is no liberal agenda being advanced by powerful partisan interests. Nor does it matter that the vast majority of legacy media journalists identify as liberal Democrats. The news is above board, fair and balanced.
Ha, ha, ha.
The following is a collection of the ways in which heavy-handed liberal media bias is used to manipulate us. It is called the “Media Mind Manipulation Manual,” or MMMM for short. It is meant to demonstrate how these media lackeys use their shameless spin, fear-mongering know-how and various other deceptive journalistic techniques to control those still careless enough to believe whatever they say.
Although presented with humor, readers should keep in mind that no matter how implausible, far-fetched, and downright ridiculous this disinformation we call “the news” may seem at times, the current state of journalism is no laughing matter. We have reached the tipping point. We have seen how media interference has changed the course of recent history in very significant and negative ways. If we continue to let ourselves be manipulated, we are in the very real danger of losing the freedom of expression we still enjoy.
Please note: The original title of this book was going to be the “Mass Media Mind Manipulation Manual,” or MMMMM, but I was worried the extra M might induce a seizure.