The Development of a Comprehensive Legal Framework for the Promotion of Offshore Wind Power

There is clearly an urgent need worldwide to increase the share of renewable energy in the overall energy supply as rapidly as possible. With a well-developed and proven feasible technology, offshore wind power has come to the fore as the most promising means of achieving this goal. However, fragmented authorities and procedures may pose tremendous challenges to the development of an integrated legal framework for offshore wind and the complex installation and grid interconnections it requires. This book surveys and analyses the features essential for the development of such a framework, drawing on the experience of ten countries that have such schemes in place – France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, the United States, Australia, China, Korea, and Taiwan.

Discussing the impact of technological, economic, spatial, and market issues on the legal framework, eleven key policymakers in their respective countries contribute chapters that together reveal the contours of a strong and sound legal framework that serves to enable and facilitate the efficient application of policy initiatives and subsidies. Topics and issues raised and examined include the ways a sound legal framework addresses the following aspects of offshore wind power development:

- license schemes; - construction of turbines; - infrastructure of grid, construction harbor, and vessels; - environmental health and safety regulations; and - loan and finance risk.

The contributors show that a carefully planned mix of incentives and supplementary schemes is indispensable. The essays are drawn on the presentations and papers offered at the International Conference on a Comprehensive Legal Framework for the Development of Offshore Wind Power Around the World held in Taiwan in August 2016.

As a major new contribution to the debate on the importance of a legal framework for offshore wind power and grid interconnections, this book will prove indispensable to lawyers, policymakers, officials, and academics concerned with the management of sea space to include the wind power necessary to achieve and sustain renewable energy goals.