註釋To inform researchers and provide guidance to policy-makers inside and outside government who participate in federal decision-making affecting children, a study was conducted under the auspices of the Administration for Children, Youth and Families. Specific objectives of the study were (1) to develop a better understanding of how federal policies affecting children and their families are formulated, (2) to identify factors likely to influence the content of such policies in the near future, and (3) to offer observations concerning how participants in policy debates concerning children and their families can most effectively pursue their interests. In the first phase of the project the literature on policy determination was reviewed in order to examine existing theories of policy formation and to assess their potential as analytic frameworks. Then, three case studies of federal policy developments were made. Each of the case studies focused on one of the following areas: the special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children; the federal interagency day care requirements; and the child care tax deduction/credit. The case studies were analyzed and a new framework was devised for understanding and participating in the policy-making process. Conclusions concerning the nature of federal policy-making affecting children and effective participation in the policy-making process are drawn. Related materials are appended at the conclusion of each case study. (RH)