The Use of a Mathematical Instrument, Called a Quadrant
Shewing Very Plainly and Easily to Know the Exact Height Or Distance of Any Steeple, Tree, Or House, &c. Also to Know the Hour of the Day by It: the Height of the Sun, Moon, Or Stars: and to Know the Time of Sun-rising and Setting; and the Length of Every Day in the Year: the Place of the Sun in the Ecliptick: the Azimuth, Right Ascension, and Declination of the Sun. With Many Other Necessary and Delightful Conclusions. Performed Very Readily. As Also the Use of a Nocturnal: Whereby You May Learn to Know the Stars in Heaven, and the Hour of the Night, by Them. With Many Other Delightful Operations. The Third Edition, Wherein the Mistakes in the Former Impressions are Corrected. By W.P.
出版quadrants, nocturnals, and this book, are to be sold by Joseph Moxon, at his shop on Ludgate hill near Fleet-bridge, at the sign of Atlas in London, 1665