Addresses: Legal arguments. Citizenship: its rights, duties and penalties, p. 25. The bench, the bar, the press, p.67. Miscellaneous addresses. The crime against citizenship, p.105. Plain truths for the grangers, p111. The people are sovereign, p.117. Lincoln as commander-in-chief, p.133. The press and political light and power, p.155. The duty and dignity of journalism, p.161. Scotch-Irish achievement, p.167. The young republicans of 1860, p.179. At Curtin's tomb, p.187. Farewell to the Senate, 195. Clover club welcome, p.199. Humorous and steirical. The house addressed on reform, p.218. Who oppose the constitution, p.216. The Union League and Grant, p.219. The Grant investment in bolters, p.229. Defiance to ring power, p.239. Eulogy on Curtin, p.251