註釋THIS book is an outgrowth of a business experience gained through many years of association with one of America's great commercial institutions. During those years I have learned, perhaps more surely than any- thing else, the value of a right thought. I have seen how men's careers have been marred by basing their actions on unsound theories of life and business. And I have also seen how a change from a wrong thought to a right thought, perhaps during a moment of casual conversation, has been the means of advancing a man to a higher place in his work, opening his eyes to a broader field of opportunity and wholesome activity. I count the acquisition of certain thoughts as the red- letter days of my life. To those moments I can look back and clearly trace long series of fortunate events, which stand out as conspicuous witnesses to the value of the ideas then acquired. It sometimes almost startles me to think how different the course of my career might have been had I not received certain thoughts at certain times and acted upon them. Many such thoughts have a value only to the individ- ual, and in connection with the problems of the moment ; others have an application to thousands of men and wom- en, in connection with many varied experiences. It has long been my custom to make a note of such thoughts as 7 THOUGHTS ON BUSINESS have this wider sphere of usefulness, and I have treasured them more carefully than the miser his gold, knowing as I do their great value, their capacity for unlimited multi- plication, and their latent possibilities for good. Before sending these ideas out into the world I have carefully endeavored to make certain that none of them is untrue to life and experience, none a half-truth that through a jingle of words may pass for a whole truth, and not one a jumping-gap for an athlete that may become a pitfall for the unskillful. I have been unwilling to pass these thoughts with only the test of my own judgment and convictions, and have submitted them to the scrutiny of a number of experienced persons, in order to have them tested from many points of view. These "Thoughts on Business" were, for the most part, first published, one a day, in a list of newspapers. With some revision and the addition of new matter, they are now presented in this form. The author sincerely hopes that the reader will find them in some degree helpful in moulding the spirit of a well-rounded business life. WALDO PONDRAY WARREN.