Inqviries Into the Causes of Our Miseries
Whence They Issue-forth Upon Us, and Reasons Wherefore They Have Born Us Down So Low, and are Like to Carrie Us Yet Lower : the Independents and the Way of Worship They Stand-up for is Renderd Clear of this Grievous Charge ... : this Charge is Drawn-up Against the Independents by Three Worthies, Men, I Think, of Name, All (I) D.P.P.W. Pryn Esquire, But More Fully and with More Devouring Words, If More Can Be, by Dr. A. Steuart in His Last Book ... : in Six Sections, Whereof the First Onely is Here, a Just Vindication of the Way of Worship Very Commonly Misunderstood, Very Falsly Interpreted, But Very Truly Called Independent ...