This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes how to build production topologies for Business Process Management (BPM) solutions. It is aimed at IT Architects and IT Specialists who want to understand and implement these topologies. Use this book to select the appropriate production topologies for a given environment, then follow the step-by-step instructions included in this book to build these topologies. You must have a high-level understanding of WebSphere Business Process Management products to get the most out of this book. This book addresses the following WebSphere® products:
- WebSphere Process Server V7
- WebSphere Business Monitor V7
- WebSphere Business Services Fabric V7
- WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V7
- WebSphere Business Compass V7
Part 1, "Overview" on page 1, introduces the BPM products that we discuss and provides an overview of basic topology terminology. This part also provides an overview of the production topologies that we describe in this book, including a selection criteria for when to select each topology.Part 2, "Building production topologies" on page 53, provides a series of step-by-step instructions for creating production topology environments using deployment environment patterns. We describe topologies using the Integrated Solutions Console and a command-line interface.