
Around the world, all nations have to worry about what the generations look like coming up behind us to become the governors, lawyers, doctors and mayors of tomorrow. Today's younger generation -- 'X's', 'millennials' or the 'Y' generation are only caught up with themselves. Some call it an I/Me generation. They only care about themselves and having and doing their things their way with very little flexibility. They have 'an attitude without gratitude' and the attitude or their personal mind set is very negative to any interaction around them. We cannot wonder at their attitude and perspectives really as they are our children and grandchildren. Where did they get such a powerfully negative mindset? Everyone's mindset comes from their parents and their life experiences. People like this we used to call 'very set in their ways' or 'stuck in a rut'. Every one of us has a negative or positive prospect of life, which in this book, we will call 'fixed mindset' or the 'growth mindset' respectively. We think that how we are now we will always be so some of us remain in a negative 'fixed mindset thinking 'That is the way it is and has to be. I can never change.' However, if we try to venture out of our comfort zone, we will find a whole new lease on life.

Perhaps the most gratifying discovery on my own personal journey to success is the fact that we all of us have the power to achieve our dreams. By developing a positive mindset, I have learned how to dream and how to set goals that I can realistically achieve. This journey, in essence, has led me to become my ideal version of myself. In light of this, the primary aim of this book is to attempt to guide you in how to cultivate a more conscious, positive and empowering mindset that will enable you to achieve a successful and fulfilling life. Is it really possible to change one's negative attitude and inflexible mindset? Let us take a step by step journey to find out.