The Six Steps to the Fountain of Youth
註釋"This book is filled with insight on what it takes to be a champion & achieve ultimate happiness. I find myself nodding in agreement at every page," writes Olympic Gold Medal swimmer Gray Hall about Dennis Kelly's book on rejuvenation & peak performance. In six easy steps, the 59-year old 4-time National Karate Champion presents an energetic, upbeat win/win program for persons of any age, background or circumstance. Based on the secrets of martial arts & a belief system that "older is better," Kelly has spent the past 25 years distilling information about health & fitness & peak performance from some of the world's leading experts. The keys to working the program are balance, flexibility & rotational focus on each of the six areas or steps. As the body, mind & emotions begin to move together synergistically, they generate the energy & enthusiasm for creating an exciting life purpose & clearly defined goals. "Once you've started your journey & you keep doing the program, nothing can hold you back from achieving your highest potential," declares Kelly, who speaks from his own experience. The book is chockfull of exercises & useful tips that show you how to add years to your life & life to your years.