Validation Implementation
註釋Over the course of the semester there have been changes to the direction of this conflict packet. Initially, I selected the area of apathy. It seemed to fit. I had adapted a selfish mindset toward conflict at home. My communication partner and I would have a disagreement, they would not appreciate my side of the situation and I would give very little effort into trying to convince the other party to see my perspective. I was using avoidance shrouded in accommodation as a method for handling conflict. In other words, I pretended to agree by not continuing the conversation/conflict. I said things like “Deep seeded resentment and lack of patience will be the main obstacles to prevent my apathy towards productive conflict resolution. Also the actual desire to have patience will be a challenge. I consider myself not one of the brightest crayons in the box. If I understand something, and someone else does not, it makes me feel as though there is a problem on their end that they need to address.” As I read that now, it is clear I was having a bad week. I let my emotions get the best of my rational writing style. After the dust settled and I had some time to self-check, I discovered the aspect of conflict resolution I need to improve upon most is validation.