註釋This two-part booklet is part of Henry Hon's ONE TRUTH Book to be released in the summer of 2019. It's 70 pages are packed with incredible insights into the preaching of the Gospel of the Grace of God--Salvation through the finished work of Christ on the Cross - AND - the preaching of the Gospel of Peace. Co-author Doug Krieger of Tribnet Publications affirms that this GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM - two parts of the same priceless coin: Salvation through Christ alone and through that same "blood of the cross" He has wrought Peace "between them both" by tearing down that "middle wall of separation" between two of the most estranged peoples on the planet...the Jew and the Gentile (aka, the Nations).Here all along we thought we were preaching the "full gospel" - however, and most unwittingly, we have settled for half a gospel and seemingly, we have neglected that which alone would CRUSH SATAN BENEATH OUR FEET: The Oneness of the Body of Christ Jesus prayed for in John 17. This is NOT an ecumenical oneness contrived through human endeavor and worldly organizations. No, no, no--this ONENESS is wrought by the Holy Spirit of Promise. Many books of late have been written about the Kingdom of God and its implementation upon the earth and/or way off into the future Millennium. Hon and Krieger have a most unique take on THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM which Jesus says will be preached to all the world, then shall the end come. Is it the same GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM preached by Paul in Acts 20:24-25 where Paul testified to "the gospel of the grace of God" and then immediately said: "I have gone preaching the kingdom of God"? Isn't it the same GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM Paul preached at the very terminus of the book of Acts; to wit: "Preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him"? (Acts 28:31) - Well, we believe it is the same GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM Jesus foretold would be preached in all the world, then the end would come! We challenge our reading audience to search the Scriptures and see if Romans 1-8 bespeaks of the Gospel of the Grace of God--SALVATION through the blood of His cross - from sinfulness under the wrath of God unto glorification; but Satan is not yet crushed! That takes us from Romans 9 through 16 where God's problem of the ONENESS OF HIS PEOPLE is dealt with by the same blood of the cross wherein He MADE OF THE TWO ONE NEW MAN, SO MAKING PEACE. Oh, HOW BLESSED are the feet of them who preach the GOSPEL OF PEACE (Romans 10).Alas! We've been, in the main, preaching only a half gospel--not the COMPLETION OF THE GOSPEL - yes, the Gospel of the Grace of God but likewise, the GOSPEL OF PEACE desperately needs to be preached! It is time for revival--it is time to Crush the Serpent's head through the preaching and practice of the Gospel of Peace. Come on saints, let's be the answer to our Lord's prayer in John 17--Yes, Jesus has given us, through the Promise of the Spirit, sent from the Father, the wherewithal to be His ONE BODY--those gifts wherein he GIFTED US ALL are spelled out in John 17: LIFE (the Father's Life--we all have a common Father); TRUTH (the Word of Truth in Christ alone); and His glory (given by the very Spirit of Promise) to shine forth throughout the world. With these marvelous gifts and this glorious ONENESS - THEN THE WORLD WILL BELIEVE THE FATHER SENT THE SON! That's GOSPEL - real outreach - real reconciliation - when the world sees we are ONE then they will believe the Father sent the Son!Enjoy the booklet - and enjoy the new book coming out--ONE IN TRUTH - the soon to be published book which will be coming out this summer, 2019. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us all to this COMPLETION GOSPEL - for it is altogether too clear: "The COMPLETION (fullness) of the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:29).