The Evanston Colloquium
Lectures on Mathematics Delivered from Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893 Before Members of the Congress of Mathematics Held in Connection with the World's Fair in Chicago at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill
出版Macmillan and Company, 1893
註釋I. Clebsch.--II-III. Sophus Lie.--IV. On the real shape of algebraic curves and surfaces.--V. Theory of functions and geometry.--VI. On the mathematical character of space-intuition, and the relation of pure mathematics to the applied sciences.--VII. The transcendency of the numbers [Greek letter epsilon] and [Greek letter pi].--VII. Ideal numbers.--IX. The solution of higher algebraic equations.--X. On some recent advances in hyperelliptic and Abelian functions.--XI. The most recent researches in non-Euclidean geometry.--XII. The study of mathematics at Göttingen.--Appendix.