The Couple Who Fooled the World

The Couple Who Fooled the World

Most women would kill to be on Ferro Calvaresi's arm. The enigmatic Italian is one of the richest men in the world and at the top of his business game. Julia Anderson is not most women. She's as rich as Ferro and twice as hungry.

The only way to seal a major deal is for these two rivals to play nicely...together. Yet neither expected the media to soak up their ruse so quickly or so publicly! But when the deal is won, is the world's hottest new couple beginning to believe their own lie?

Once is Never Enough

Nichole Daniels has had her share of heartbreak. Two broken engagements and a single bed are proof of that. But when a blue-eyed stranger offers her a taste of her every nighttime fantasy, she's considering putting an end to her dry spell!

Garrett Carter's reputation as a ladies' man...' Absolutely right. A danger to her mental health...' Definitely. The man for her...' Not on your life. Nichole has no intention of getting involved with a man known to be able to whisper almost any woman into bed! But something tells her that, when it comes to Garrett, one night will never be enough....