12 Terrible Dog Training Mistakes Owners Make That Ruin Their Dog's Behavior...And How To Avoid Them
Suzanne Hetts
Animal Behavior Associates, Incorporated
, 2014-07
Pets / Dogs / Training & Showing
In this one of a kind, NEW dog behavior and training book I'll tell you how to avoid the harmful mistakes that make your dog's behavior worse and keep you and your family annoyed and frustrated. You'll also discover what you DON'T have to do so you won't waste your valuable time and still not help your dog. Heck, I'll even show you why having your dog do what you want has nothing to do with "being dominant" AND Expose many of the dog training myths you've been told (or seen on TV) so you can be confident about the best ways to get your dog to do what you want! In fact, here's just a sample of the dog behavior and training pitfalls and landmines I'll help you avoid in this unique book: -Why believing the myth of "pack leadership' may be the biggest mistake of all! -Why believing the answer to unwanted behavior is finding the right discipline method actually dooms you before you even get started... -The consequences of allowing your dog to be a couch potato (hint: they aren't good!)... -Why it's so critical that you avoid having your dog spend too much time in a crate... -How and why you must avoid allowing your dog to repeat unwanted behavior (and how to interrupt this behavior quickly and humanely)... -Why believing your dog knows right from wrong will instantly sabotage your results... -How to sidestep permitting your dog to greet another when they're both on leash (and why this can be so dangerous)... -Why you should never worry that comforting or reassuring your dog when he's afraid will actually WORSEN his behavior (you really can't reinforce fear!) -How letting good behavior go unrewarded can backfire (and really bite you on the butt - literally!)... -How to recognize signs of fear, anxiety, and stress in your dog (and why you can't afford to miss them)... -How disagreement among family members about how to work with your dog really hurts your chances of success... -How relying on physical methods such as collar grabs, leash corrections, and prying items out of your dog's mouth won't give you the results you want (and can actually worsen your dog's behavior with a single incident)... -... and much, MUCH More! Don't miss this cutting-edge book that will help you STOP worrying about the mistakes you are (or could be) making in your efforts to have a well behaved dog, AND will ease your mind about being able to train your dog, so you can finally start making progress improving your dog's behavior.