Consider the Lilies

In Consider the Lilies, author Terry Hickey Abercrombie presents a heartwarming collection of stories and poems for her high school friend, General Wayne Downing; her dad, D. H. Hickey; and her large familyincluding six grandchildren. Her family and friends have provided much of the inspiration for this collection. In these personal stories of triumph over loss and of joy in the simple moments of life, she captures the true emotion and loving Christian spirit of the holidays, from the turkey she won but decided was designated for a higher purpose to the hug and kiss she received from her son on Christmas. She shares spiritual as well as emotional insights in each of her stories and poems. Consider the Lilies offers an inspiring glimpse into a life well-lived. Waiting for the Sunshine Oh! Its so cold, dark and dreary. When I go out I feel weary. The sun wont shine just for a while. Just to see it could make me smile. Windows are iced up as can be. Cars wont start even jauntily. Everyones sick with colds and flu. Sub-zero weather makes me blue. I cant wait till the sun comes out. It will warm everything about. Oh! To see the green grass and trees And hear birds singing melodies.