Mensch und Umwelt während des Neolithikums und der Frühbronzezeit in Mitteleuropa
Ergebnisse interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Archäologie, Klimatologie, Biologie und Medizin : internationaler Workshop vom 9.-12. November 1995, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien
出版M. Leidorf, 2001
主題History / Europe / GeneralScience / Earth Sciences / GeneralScience / Environmental ScienceSocial Science / Archaeology
註釋These thirty-three papers on the environment and settlement of Central Europe are taken from a workshop that aimed to promote cooperation between the fields of archaeology, climatology, biology and medicine. The papers are divided into six sections: climate and environment; settlement and environment in settlement microregions; settlement and environment in larger settlement areas; population dynamics; health and quality of life. The contributions include broad thematic discussions and regional studies as well as discussions of specific archaeological sites, cultures or environmental factors. Each paper is followed by an English abstract.