Frequently Asked Questions in Pediatric & Adolescent Practice

Frequently Asked Questions in Pediatric & Adolescent Practice is a comprehensive collection of over 600 FAQs, ranging in topics from newborn to adolescent care, and many sub-specialities  including neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology and hepatology, nephrology, urology, haematology, oncology, endocrinology, rheumatology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology and dermatology.

Other topics covered include immunisation, infectious diseases and intensive care. The questions and answers are straightforward and clearly formatted, enhanced by 259 images and illustrations, and with recommendations for treatment where relevant. Answers are provided by renowned experts in each field, making this book an excellent source of reference for practising paediatricians and family physicians.

Key Points

  • Over 600 FAQs covering paediatrics, from newborn to adolescent care
  • 259 images and illustrations
  • Covers all major sub-specialities