Psihosocialne značilnosti staršev mladostnikov odvisnih od nedovoljenih drog
註釋Background: The present research is a study on identification of psychosocial factors of parents with drug addicted adolescent. It is also meant to test a new instrument in Slovenia named "The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory" (SASSI). Methods: The sample consisted of 90 parents and 54 adolescents aged 14-19 years. The Experimental group consisted of 44 parents and 27 adolescents, the control group of 46 parents and 27 adolescents. The data where obtained by a self-administered questionnaire covering all the relevant psychosocial adolescent and parent issues: social - demographic data;important life events; data about parent vulnerability; anamnestic data about of primary family of the parents; data about self reported mental, physical and financial status and family climate; data about depression (Zung); data about self-esteem (Rosenberg); use of psychoactive substances (AUDIT, SASSI). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).