As my Portuguese Grandfather used to say

Welcome to the book "As my Portuguese Grandfather said - Guidelines for Reinventing Yourself in the Covid-19 era."

Black Swans are unexpected, unlikely events that take place in our lives. The Covid-19 pandemic is a low-probability, high-impact black swan event.

This is a book of guidance and self-help to address these events that transform our lives forever. To address them, we need to start again and face life head-on. You have to reinvent yourself.

To address them, we need to start again and face life head-on. You have to reinvent yourself.

The author uses phrases that his Portuguese grandparents applied when life demanded to simplify, lift the mood, face, overcome difficulties and touch the lives forward. 

The phrases are distributed throughout the book utilized in the best situations to illustrate the context with suggested arguments as guidelines to reinvent yourself.

The book covers topics and guidelines that will give you an incentive to an upset, as did our grandparents, fighting and reinventing itself several times in his life.

About the book

This book seeks to provide guidance for facing unexpected, improbable events that happen in our lives and transform us.

It aims to:

- Awaken your winning instinct by providing information, guidance, and knowledge to seek alternative paths after unexpected events.

- Collaborate to face disasters that happen in life without explanation or time marked. Alert that you can start over, to reinvent yourself.

- Guide by providing ideas and suggestions to make you more confident to start over, developing new goals and plans in your life.

- Reinvent yourself in the sense of an alert, a ray of light that hit you, causing changes in attitudes and actions to seek a better life.

What will we learn in this book?

Let's learn how it's possible to reinvent yourself to face unexpected events in our lives, like Covid-19.

The book is organized into two parts that guided us in this task.

1 - To overcome black swan events and Reinvent yourself:

- Be self-critical and resilient. Have courage and overcome fear;

- Enjoy the gifts received from God;

- Develop intuition, our sixth sense for survival;

- Develop skills and competencies in new areas;

- Learn to have focus and productivity. Avoid digital distraction.

- Learn to use the time well. Long live the present moment;

- Learn to dream and to develop scenarios for the future;

- Learn from mistakes, pray, have faith and positive attitudes;

- Learn to live with losses. Get rid of nonconformity;

- Enjoy the Pygmalion effect to come out ahead again;

- Beware of chaos, insignificant events that change lives.

2 - Some techniques and factors that can help you Reinvent yourself:

- Reinvent yourself with longevity;

- Reinvent yourself as an entrepreneur;

 - Be a friend of Pareto and apply the 80/20 rule;

- Learn from top performers and become one of them;

- Take practical advice from geniuses and entrepreneurs;

- Apply the 5-hour rule to learn new things;

- Learn to have more focus with the Pomodoro technique;

- Reinvent yourself in human relationships;

This book can be a guide in your life, so you can realize reinventing yourself importance, seek alternative ways, and come out victorious.


Author José Antonio (Zezinho).