Strengthening PFM in Post-Conflict Countries
Lessons for PFM Practitioners and Country Programming Staff
註釋Myriad challenges, but also opportunities, surround public financial management (PFM) reforms in postconflict environments. This note provides recommendations that focus on the special characteristics of postconflict environments and their implications for the design and implementation of PFM reform initiatives, and on links to the wider goals of state-building and service delivery. This note principally draws on a cross-country review of the design, implementation, and impact of public financial management (PFM) reforms in eight postconflict states. Focusing on the PFM reform experience over a 7-10-year period from the early 2000s to 2010, the goal of the study was to understand what has worked in countries' efforts to strengthen PFM systems, and how PFM strengthening impacts wider state-building goals.