Visions and Re-visions
註釋Renowned science fiction scholar Robert M. Philmus offers in Visions and Revisions a fresh and provocative literary analysis of science fiction writing. He critically examines the works of some of the most prominent writers to have written in the genre-including Evgeny Zamiatin, Karel Capek,
Jorge Luis Borges, Italo Calvino, and Stanislaw Lem, along with English-language authors from H.G. Wells to Ursula Le Guin-and reveals how their works illustrate the fundamental elements of science fiction writing. The former editor of Science Fiction Studies, Philmus casts his expert eye on a
diverse range of short stories and novels by the premier arbiters of the craft, with close readings that draw upon the theories of New Criticism as well as post-Modern. Featuring essays such as Stanislaw Lem's Futurological Congress as a Metageneric Text, Kurt Vonnegut: Historiographer of the
Absurd: The Sirens of Titan, Ursula K. Le Guin and Time's Dispossession, and Time Out of Joint: The World(s) of Philip K. Dic