Choosing Your Degree Course & University

Are you having trouble deciding what to study at university?

With over 1,200 degree subjects and more than 55,000 courses to choose from it's impossible to know where to start. But don't worry, expert help is at hand from Brian Heap, the guru of higher education and author of sister title HEAP 2012. Heap helps you decide what and where you want to study at university, so when the time comes to fill in your UCAS application you are fully prepared.

Detailing all the major university degree courses in the UK, Choosing Your Degree Coursehelps you narrow down your options and build a shortlist of your ideal subjects, courses and universities. You'll also find expert guidance on all the key questions you need to consider when making your choices, such as what type of degree should I choose - vocational, sandwich course, something I'm interested in? What degree matches my career aspirations? How can I determine the teaching quality of a course?

Inside Choosing Your Degree Course, read the handy profiles on each degree subject and bite-size overviews of every UK University; find out about the courses and locations you're interested in before you choose where to apply to study. Plus expert advice provided by a careers advisor on the top twenty courses answering questions including what to ask universities on their open days and how courses differ in each university.