Booting Breast Cancer

Are you or someone you know facing breast cancer? Booting Breast Cancer is a memoir of the author's journey through breast cancer. It will be helpful for you if you are beginning your journey, as well as anyone who will be with you along the way. Your first thought may be that this book is for females only, right? Actually, not necessarily. Included is a special section on what the journey was like for the author's husband and words of wisdom from him.

The author shares her experiences through various stages of the process. The author's story is real, raw, and totally transparent. Although cancer is NOT a laughing matter, her way of dealing with serious situations is to try and make light of them, to laugh instead of cry, to smile instead of frown.

You will be inspired, educated, and above all, encouraged. You are not alone in your journey. Open your heart and your arms and they will both be filled with love and support. Although her journey was not one she would like to repeat, it was all part of God's Plan for her and her promise to Pay It Forward.