Still Born - Stepping Into the Unknown

Still Born - Stepping into the Unknown: A Memoir of Dying with My Daughter, began as raw journal entries where the author, Mary Hamilton, could face the truth of her daughter's dying and ultimate death-"to dig deeper, and endure the suffering," while confronting unbearable challenges and living daily life.

Through the bounty of dreams, visions, and deep reflection, the intimate experience of her Laura's death opened her to the essential core of herself, a gift of intimacy she compares to "the pearl beyond great price," where the release of true heart values open from the separate realm of the flesh to the vast spaciousness of spirit, becoming One.

Still Born intends to help its readers lessen their fears of death and dying by inspiring them to open their curious minds to the presence of death, not as only an ending, but as the intimate experience of birth, life, death, and rebirth on earth.

As Mary Hamilton so aptly states: "Death, once faced as part of all Life, frees (us) to taste eternal Life, while still born."