Romanesque Art Problems and Monuments
註釋Volumes I and II bring together Professor Sauerl nder's papers on Romanesque art, and complement his two previously published volumes in this series on Gothic art. The studies are again grouped around a number of common themes: structures, problems of classification, the geography of Romanesque art, and its development in Italy and the Empire. Early studies have been updated with references to the more recent literature, and there is a comprehensive index. Volume I Contents: Introduction; Forms and Structures. Romanesque Sculpture in its Architectural Context; Fa ade ou fa ades romanes; Reliquien, Alt re und Portale; Die gest rte Ordnung oder "le chapiteau histori "; Initialen. Ein Versuch ueber das verworrene Verh ltnis von Bild und Schrift im Mittelalter; The Limits of Classification. Die Geographie der Stile; Style or Transition? The Fallacies of Classification discussed in the Light of German Architecture 1190-1260; Sermonizing in Stone. ber die Komposition des Weltgerichts-Tympanons in Autun; Omnes perversi sic sunt in Tartara Mersi. Skulptur als Bildpredikt. Das Weltgerichtstympanon von Sainte-Foy in Conques; Nisi transmutetis mores. Riflessioni sull'ambiguita dell'iconografia romanica; The Diversity of French Examples. Chefs-d'Oeuvre romans des mus es de province; Gislebertus von Autun. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung seines kuenstlerischen Stils; L wen in Lyon; Eine trauernde Maria des 12. Jahrhunderts aus dem mittleren Rh netal; Die Fassade der Abteikirche Saint-Gilles du Gard; Sainte-Foy de Conques; Die Skulptur von Saint-Sernin in Toulouse; Zu dem romanischen Krucifix in Moissac.