The Rights International Companion to Criminal Law and Procedure:An International Human Rights Law Supplement
註釋Over the last ten years there have been dramatic changes in international relations accompanied by an exponential growth of international law--especially in human rights and humanitarian law. To competently meet the challenges presented by these developments, law students and lawyers must learn how international law relates to, informs, and can trump domestic law in the fields of constitutional law, property, and criminal law and procedure.

International law, however, is rarely required in law school. The Rights International Companion series is designed both as a series of international human rights, humanitarian, and comparative law supplements to law student casebooks on constitutional law, property, and criminal law and procedure, as well as a quick, helpful reference for lawyers.

Each Companion tracks the themes of major coursebooks. Cross-references to these coursebooks are provided on the Rights International website: http://www.rightsinternational.org.

Rights International is a non-profit organization that procides legal assistance to victims of human rights violations before international courts and tribunals. Rights International has the largest international human rights case docket spanning four continents. They also train lawyers and law students in international human rights law and practice.