Le consensus impossible
le différend entre éthique et politique chez H. Arendt et J. Habermas
出版Ousia, 1993
註釋Examines Arendt's and Habermas's views on how the connected themes of public space and consensus can solve the question of the relationship between ethics and politics in modern democracy, which lacks an absolute pole, a definite representation of the social, incarnated by a person or political group. Argues that their approach to social cohesion in terms of common sense and consensus is perturbed and overridden by the preoccupation of Arendt with the "Jewish question" (the Jew as pariah), and of Habermas with the memory of the Final Solution (exemplified in his participation in the "Historikerstreit"). Delruelle is inspired by Lyotard's Differend, the unstable state and moment in language when something which should be expressable in phrases cannot yet be expressed and dealt with, recognized by Lyotard in the symbolic figure of the "Jew" and Auschwitz. Shows that traces of the Differend appear when Arendt's and Habermas's ethics of consensus are confronted with the "Jewish question" and the Shoah.