BattleRhymes Vol. 9 - Pandemic Tales of an Election
Armin Mitchell
Koldbluhded Press
, 2020-10-09
Poetry / American / African American & Black
Political Science / American Government / Executive Branch
Political Science / Censorship
Political Science / Civil Rights
Political Science / Corruption & Misconduct
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 ahead through the failed polices leading to an uprising against racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic and hate filled bigoted oppressive plans. They’re meeting strong resistance in the halls of Congress, global protests, city councils, police departments, the US military, many denominations of faith, and in the lifeblood of every city, the streets. Now the battle for political control for an inclusive future is a high stakes game against exclusion, hatred, and unrepentant white supremacy. The battle continues from the streets to the political candidates through the voting booths across the US at every level. Counties, Cities, Municipalities, Wards, State Legislatures, Congressional Districts, Senators, and The White House are all at stake. Will the movement for equality continue or be upended by hate, over moneyed social classes, and political corruption? BattleRhymes Vol.9 Rhymes its way through a litany of social, political & ethical issues in an #UpslopeFlow format expressing deep concern against the rise of hate and seeing the cyclone of pushback. Contains more rhymes than Shakespeare has sonnets. ™️ After the 1st eight Tomes and four box sets, how could one not want to continue the fun of exploring the depravity of the white nationalist movement that only falls apart due to their hatred when viewed under scrutiny? 18+ only. Adult Language. Adult Humor. E-Book. Political satire. Social commentary. Observational humor. Adult Entertainment. Objective examination. Statement of the Human Condition. Free Speech not Hate Speech. Anthropological. Psychosocial. Lyrical.