A Collection of the Most Esteemed Farces and Entertainments Performed on the British Stage: The lame lover, by S. Foote. The Ephesian matron, by I. Bickerstaff. Cross purposes, by W. O'Brien. The waterman, by C. Dibdin. A trip to Scotland, by W. Whitehead. Mayday, by D. Garrick. The theatrical candidates, by D. Garrick. The ghost, from Mrs. Centiliver's Man bewitch'd. The absent man, by I. Bickerstaff. The cooper, by Dr. Arne. The romp, altered from Live in the city, by Mr. Bickerstaff. The maid of the oaks, altered by a gentleman of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh. Amintas. Lilliput, by D. Garrick. The recruiting serjeant, by I. Bickerstaff. The rehearsal, by the Duke of Buckingham, altered by R. Wilson
出版S. Doig, 1792