Journeys of Faith: Religion, Spirituality, & Humanistic Psychology
Mike Brock PhD LPC
, 2020
Psychology / General
Religion / Spirituality
Journeys of Faith: Religion, Spirituality, and Humanistic Psychology is about the intersection of a now hallowed approach to psychotherapy, today referred to as humanistic, or person-centered, counseling, and the broad religious/spiritual world that its first practitioners found themselves engaging, often much to their surprise. What is humanistic psychology? Where did it come from? How did it replace the two storied therapies—Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and B. F. Skinner’s behaviorism—that had previously dominated counseling. And why and how did the practitioners of humanistic psychology find themselves engaging spiritual and religious questions, which hitherto had been understood by most psychologists as foreign to their field of interest? These are the questions Journeys of Faith: Religion, Spirituality, and Humanistic Psychology addresses. Rising to prominence in America during the post-World War II years, humanistic psychology reached its zenith in the 1950s and 1960s and continued to influence the national conversation—psychologically, spiritually, politically, and culturally—throughout the remaining decades of the 20th century. During those years, it attracted a wide and diverse following, becoming a cultural phenomenon that affected everything from counseling and education to parenting, religion, and business management. Its influence continues to be felt today, though often unrecognized and uncredited. The key players in the humanistic psychology movement—Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Erich Fromm, and Rollo May—hailed from different sociocultural and religious backgrounds and followed dissimilar, though interconnecting, professional paths. While they were confronting the world’s problems through the lens of psychology and psychotherapy, other thinkers were approaching them from different perspectives, though equally humanistic. Among those others, the evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley receives special attention as one with particularly useful insights into the intersection of science and spirituality. “At a time when society is desperate for a sense of centeredness, Dr. Michael Brock produces for us a comprehensive address to just those factors which make life worth living. In Journeys of Faith: Religion, Spirituality, and Humanistic Psychology, he demonstrates humanity’s yearning for the experiential encounter with awe, wonder, and mystery and provides an assessment of the leading systems of psychological analysis in the modern world that offers scholars, practitioners, and students insight into the way forward in these times of anxiety and uncertainty. A more cogent integration of psychology and spirituality is not presently available.” –Dr. John Henry Morgan, Ph.D., Th.D., D.Sc. (London), Psy.D. (FH/Oxford), Research Professor of Clinical Psychopathology (Graduate Theological Foundation/Oklahoma), Harvard University Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar Mike Brock is a counselor in private practice in Dallas and Carl Ransom Rogers Professor of Counseling Psychology at the Graduate Theological Foundation. In addition, he teaches in the pastoral ministry program at the University of Dallas. His academic background includes degrees in philosophy, history, counseling, and psychology.