1. M.V. Music , B.R. Simonovie: The effect of formation
conditions on the breakdown voltage of anodic tantalum
oxide films 1
2. B.R. Simonovie, M.V. Stdie: The mechanism of formation
of anodic oxide films on tantalum under galvanostatic and
potentiostatic conditions 13
3. Gunther P. Scharfe: Conodontenfeinstratigrafische Untersuchungen
im Oberdevon und Untercarbon von Dru2eti6 in
NW-Serbien (Vorbericht) 23
4. I. Krstanovie, E. Olsen, S. Pavlovio: The structural state of
serpentine minerals and their chemical compostion — 31
5. Gj. Stefanovie, Marjetka Kidri6: The study of the dynamics
of free sugars and free amino acids in Phaseolus vulgaris and
Triticum vulgare under different light conditons — 37
6. Friedrich Lippmann: Diagenese und beginnende Methamorphose
bei Sedimenten — 49
7. A.R. Despie, Jasna Martinovio: Colloidal dissolution and
electrophoretic deposition of metals 69
8. V.M. Petrovio, M. Vrbagki, G. Cviji6, N. Nedie, R.R. Chaffee:
Effects of adrenalectomy and corticotropin on specific
activity of the liver cytosol, nuclear and mitochondrial
proteins in the rat 77
9. Gj. Stefanovie, Vidosava Djurdjia: An investigation of lipids
isolated from Lumbricus terrestris 85
10. J. Pamie: Petrology of triassic granite-syenites from the area
of Cajniee in SE Bosnia -- 101
11. V.M. Petrovie, M. Vrbagki, G. Cvijia, D. Pavie: Effect of
corticotropin on the liver cytosol and mitochondrial proteins
in hypophysectom'ised — adrenalectomised rats — — — 113
12. Z. Maksimovie: Fossil weathering crusts in Yugoslavia and
some geological problems 119
13. V. Pantie, D. Gledie: Reaction of pituitary gonadotropic cells
and testes to testosterone propionate (TP) 131
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