More than 80% of all data that is collected by organizations is not in a standard relational database. Instead, it is trapped in unstructured documents, social media posts, machine logs, and so on. Many organizations face significant challenges to manage this deluge of unstructured data, such as the following examples:
- Pinpointing and activating relevant data for large-scale analytics
- Lacking the fine-grained visibility that is needed to map data to business priorities
- Removing redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data
- Identifying and classifying sensitive data
IBM® Spectrum Discover is a modern metadata management software that provides data insight for petabyte-scale file and Object Storage, storage on-premises, and in the cloud. This software enables organizations to make better business decisions and gain and maintain a competitive advantage.IBM Spectrum® Discover provides a rich metadata layer that enables storage administrators, data stewards, and data scientists to efficiently manage, classify, and gain insights from massive amounts of unstructured data. It improves storage economics, helps mitigate risk, and accelerates large-scale analytics to create competitive advantage and speed critical research.
This IBM Redbooks® publication presents several use cases that are focused on artificial intelligence (AI) solutions with IBM Spectrum Discover. This book helps storage administrators and technical specialists plan and implement AI solutions by using IBM Spectrum Discover and several other IBM Storage products.