Muhammed the Messenger of Allah Ashifa of Qadi Iyad
註釋Kitabal-Shifabi ta'rif huquq al-Mustafa (Healing by the recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One)of Qadi 'Iyad(d. 544h) is perhaps the most frequently used and commentedupon handbook in which the Prophet's (Eternal peace and blessings be upon him) life his qualitiesand his miracles are describedin everydetail. Generallyknown by its short title, Al-Shifa, this work was so highly admired throughout the Muslim world thatit soon acquired a sanctity of its ownfor it is said: "If al-Shifa isfoundina house, this house will not suffer any harm ... when a sick personreads it orit is recited to him, Allah will restore his health." Al-Shifa gatherstogether allthatis necessary toacquaint the readerwith the true stature ofthe Prophet (Eternal peace and blessings beupon him) with the esteemand respectwhich is dueto him, and with the verdict regarding anyone who does not fulfil what his stature demands or who attempts to denigratehis supreme status.