So You've Got A Great Idea
註釋Have you ever had a million-dollar idea that someone else made a million on? So You've Got a Great Idea can help you be that one person who cashes in on an innovative product, service, business, or novelty item. Like Marvin Rosenblum, who made the most of Spiro Agnew's reputation (he also produced the movie 1984), and Ann Moore, who created the Snugli, you too can take your idea from the drawing board to the bank.
Steve Fiffer shows you how to tell whether your idea is a winner or a clunker and, through entertaining profiles of successful innovators, helps you decide how to follow through on it: Should you sell the idea to an established business or go into business for yourself? Do you want to work on the idea full-time or part-time? At home or in an office? You'll also discover the advantages and disadvantages of professional services, whether to apply for a patent, how to use government agencies and find financing.
Here are stories of ordinary people who have had extraordinary ideas that have changed their lives. You will read about:
  • Gordon and Carole Segal, who were struck with the idea for Crate and Barrel over their kitchen sink
  • Kip Fuller, who created the Servitron Robot because he couldn't afford a caterer at his Christmas party
  • Jeffrey Ullman, who combined his talent for making documentaries with a knack for sales and opened one of the first video dating services in America
  • Lynn Tatar, whose talent for chocolate novelties transformed her kitchen into The Amazing Chocolate Factory
  • and more

Having a great idea is one thing; making a great idea make money is what this book is all about.