註釋"...it will keep you on the edge of the planet until the very last page." -John BowersZac was just an ordinary man, in an ordinary town, with an ordinary life. He drudged through his existence with tedious resignation. That was, until he met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, Lea Abella. He felt drawn to her, not just because of her beauty; she had something else. However, after she drugged him, and he woke in the secret lab of Dr. Henry Skinner, he felt those feelings may have been misplaced.Zac had a rare and ancient DNA code, one that when unlocked by Dr. Skinner would enhance every cell in his body, changing him forever. Strength, endurance, senses, everything would improve immensely. In short, he would become - superhuman.However, there was a catch. Dr. Skinner had carried out the unlocking procedure a number of times before. The first"subject" had been his son. He'd unlocked Dominic's code in an attempt to cure his insanity. Instead, he unleashed the biggest threat to humanity the world had ever seen. Dr. Skinner needed Zac's abilities for one reason: he would be the only "subject" powerful enough to stop his son's plans of world domination. Zac, Lea, and a small team of crack soldiers, head out on a worldwide chase, a hunt that can end in only one of two ways: either stop Dominic and his band of enhanced psychopaths ... or die trying.This fast paced, action packed novel travels the globe in an adrenalin-filled race against time. From the Berkshire Downs of the UK, to New York and Africa, the tale moves from one breathtaking battle to the next.