Many companies are attempting to meet their communication and collaboration needs by implementing extranets rather than by implementing new proprietary networks. Extranets use the Interent to connect remote offices and sites as well as business partners. As a result, extranets are standards-based and much less expensive to implement than are new proprietary networks.
A great deal of controversy and technical innovation surrounds the implementation of extranets because many people feel that extranets do not yet meet the requirements of many commercial and individual users for access, availability, reliability, security, performance, ease of management, and ease of administration.
Implementing Extranets directly addresses the great extranet controversy by providing practical examples and advice about overcoming the present limitations of extranets. This book will be of great interest to planners, designers, and implementors of extranets as well as to end users and business managers who wish to use extranets to meet their communication and collaboration needs.
Uses a practical approach to understanding and overcoming the present limits of extranets
Provides a practical understanding of how extranets can and cannot be used for communication and collaboration
Offers a state of the art view of extranets