Vpliv hiperlipidemije na sestavo možganskih sterolov pri laboratorijskih miškah C57BL/6
Influence of chronical hyperlipidemia on structure of cerebral sterols of laboratory mice C57BL/6
出版D. Kecman, R Jagodnik, 2005
註釋Chronical Hyperlipidemia leads to cardiovascular diseases that are a common cause of death in modern world. The reason for these diseases is interruption of cholesterol homeostasis that can be a result of genetical and/or environmental disturbances. Recent studies show that hyperlipidemia is closelyconnected to neurodegenerative diseased such as Alzheimer's disease. Studies on the model animals indicated that lipid enriched diet lead not only to increase of serum cholesterol but also to increase of cerebral cholesterol. The purpose of our research was to define the amount of cholesterol and intermediates of cholesterol biosynthesis in brains of controland poloxamer P-407 hyperlipidemic mice.