Excavations at Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire, 1986-88
Prehistoric and Romano-British Occupation of the Floodplain and a Terrace of the River Thames
出版Wessex Archaeology, 1997
主題History / Europe / Great Britain / GeneralSocial Science / Archaeology
註釋Mesolithic flint scatters, a butchered semi-articulated Bos skeleton, sporadic Neolithic activity and a Beaker burial associated with 18 barb-and-tanged arrowheads were found on a terrace of the River Thames on the outskirts of Reading. An enclosure of Iron Age to Roman date on the floodplain produced a variety of settlement features and associated artefacts. A plaeoenvironmental sequence from a former stream channel produced detailed evidence from the late Devensian to modern times.