Encyclopedia of Connecticut Causes of Action
註釋The Encyclopedia of Connecticut Causes ofAction is a single volume desk reference which compiles, outlines and indexes all theories of recovery under Connecticut law. There's nothing like it presently available to Connecticut practitioners! Since its debut in 2009, it has been cited to by the Connecticut state appellate courts. It is organized into three sections: common law actions, statutory actions and administrative appeals as well as relevant statutes of limitation, and requisites for recovering attorneys' fees. The desk book contains notes on applicable procedure and rules, an extensive common word index, and tables of cases and statutes.

The Encyclopedia of Connecticut Causes of Action is a quick reference to unfamiliar subjects and a starting point for analysis of any new matter. It is a welcome resource for firms without an extensive law library. It is perfect for any law library and is a unique working resource for:

  • SOLO Practitioners and Small Firms: Save time analyzing client problems and preparing pleadings by pin-pointing the starting point of an action before employing more costly research. An inexpensive desk reference for virtually any case that walks in your door!
  • Managing Partners and Litigation Departments: Bring associates up to speed quickly. Reduce training time and expense in preparing briefs and pleadings. Reduce research expense.