Copyright Law

Copyright Law is unique among copyright casebooks in that it is tightly and coherently structured, intelligently distilled, and clearly contextualized. Halpern's casebook explores the complex and sometimes counterintuitive issues surrounding protection of intellectual creativity under US copyright law by ensuring that both student and professor always maintain an understanding of how doctrinal elements relate to the whole. Thus, the book is perfect for those students who have struggled with dense notes and opaque explanations, professors who have labored through cumbersome and poorly ordered text, and for new teachers who need a concise and clear pedagogic template complete with both substantive doctrine and highly instructive cases. Simply put, Copyright Law is a refreshing primer on the title topic, and a welcome alternative to less coherent texts.

"This latest offering from Carolina Academic Press is a great primer for all things copyright...an excellent overview of the topic. The table of contents reads like a class outline you would 'borrow' from the smart guy sitting up front."
-Legal Information Alert, Volume 22, #2, Alert Publications Inc., Chicago, IL, www.alertpub.com